객실 예약
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객실 예약은 당일예약이 불가하며, 당일 예약시에는 062-717-7000 으로 문의하시기 바랍니다.
고객님께서 예약하신 예약내용의 변경 및 취소는 예약담당자가 확인 전까지는 대기로 되어 있습니다.
예약담당자가 확인 후 변경 및 취소가 완료됩니다.
요금안내 및 객실타입 선택
- 32.9m2
- Queen Bed Type
- 2 bottles of free mineral water, free tea bags, free satellite TV
- 50% discount for using fitness center & sauna
- 42 inch PDP
- Pocket spring bed for comfortable sleep
정상요금 :
- 35.9m2,, 36.4m2 Queen, Family Twin, Twin Bed
- 2 bottles of free mineral water, free tea bags, free satellite TV
- 50% discount for using fitness center & sauna
- The Internet service is provided in all guest rooms 42 inch PDP
- Automatic cooling
정상요금 :
Wonderful Suite
- 32.9m2 Queen
- 2 bottles of free mineral water, free tea bags, free satellite TV
- The Internet service is provided in all guest rooms.
- Independent shower booth made of glass for pleasant shower
- The Internet service is provided in all guest room
정상요금 :
Junior Suite A
- 51.3m2, King Bed
- Automatic cooling and heating system in guest room
- Independent shower booth made of glass for pleasant shower
- The Internet service is provided in all guest rooms
- 42 inch PDP / 50% discount for using fitness center & sauna
정상요금 :
Junior Suite B
- 51.3m2, King Bed
- 2 bottles of free mineral water, free tea bags, free satellite TV
- 50% discount for using fitness center & sauna
- 42 inch PDP / The Internet service is provided in all guest rooms
- Automatic cooling and heating system in guest
정상요금 :
Residence Suite
- 51.3m2, Queen Bed + Single Bed
- 2 bottles of free mineral water, free tea bags, free satellite TV
- 50% discount for using fitness center & sauna
- The Internet service is provided in all guest rooms
- 42 inch PDP / Automatic cooling and heating
정상요금 :
Coner Suite
- 48.2m2
- Round Bed Type
- 50% discount for using fitness center & sauna
- The Internet service is provided in all guest rooms
- 42 inch PDP / Automatic cooling and heating system in guest room
- Independent shower booth made of glass for pleasant sh
정상요금 :
예약 변경 및 취소, 기타문의는 각 업장으로 직접 문의주시면 보다 빠른 처리를 해드립니다.
- 객실 예약/취소 문의
- 062-717-7000 / resv@ramadagwangju.com
- 웨딩, 연회 예약/취소문의
- 062-717-7770~4
- 레스토랑 예약/취소문의
ShengKai 062-717-7730~1